25 November 2012

Google Play Error [RPC:S-5:AEC-0]

Ini kedua kalinya aku berhadapan dengan google play error. Error yang pertama dengan Vandroid suami yang mendadak error setelah diperbaiki konektor powernya dan diinstall ulang. Google play sembuh setelah akun google direset ulang dan google play nya di install ulang dan di uninstall lagi. Beuh ribet memang, tapi ikuti aja step by step berikut:
First Make sure you`re signed into Talk. Go to setting>apps>all>Google play store Then clear data and uninstall updates. Then go to Google account manager, clear data and force stop. Power off and leave it off for a minute or two, re-boot and it should work, if not go to talk and make sure you`re still signed in. Try updating or downloading one thing at a time to see if it works.

Read more: The error code [RPC:AEC:0]) mean when I try to download apps from my android tablet play store? - Everytime I try to install an app I get this error code [RPC:AEC:0]) :: Ask Me Fast at http://www.askmefast.com/The_error_code_RPCAEC0_mean_when_I_try_to_download_apps_from_my_android_tablet_play_store-qna4275217.html
First Make sure you`re signed into Talk. Go to setting>apps>all>Google play store Then clear data and uninstall updates. Then go to Google account manager, clear data and force stop. Power off and leave it off for a minute or two, re-boot and it should work, if not go to talk and make sure you`re still signed in. Try updating or downloading one thing at a time to see if it works.

Read more: The error code [RPC:AEC:0]) mean when I try to download apps from my android tablet play store? - Everytime I try to install an app I get this error code [RPC:AEC:0]) :: Ask Me Fast at http://www.askmefast.com/The_error_code_RPCAEC0_mean_when_I_try_to_download_apps_from_my_android_tablet_play_store-qna4275217.html

Pilih Setting>apps>all>Google account manager
Pilih clear data dan force stop.

Pilih Setting>apps>all>Google Play Store
Pilih Clear data dan uninstall updates

Matikan tablet dan biarkan sekitar 2 menitan, baru nyalakan lagi.

First Make sure you`re signed into Talk. Go to setting>apps>all>Google play store Then clear data and uninstall updates. Then go to Google account manager, clear data and force stop. Power off and leave it off for a minute or two, re-boot and it should work, if not go to talk and make sure you`re still signed in. Try updating or downloading one thing at a time to see if it works.

Read more: The error code [RPC:AEC:0]) mean when I try to download apps from my android tablet play store? - Everytime I try to install an app I get this error code [RPC:AEC:0]) :: Ask Me Fast at http://www.askmefast.com/The_error_code_RPCAEC0_mean_when_I_try_to_download_apps_from_my_android_tablet_play_store-qna4275217.html
Nah error yang kedua dengan Picopad yang baru aja dibeli pake bonus Oriflame. >.<
Errornya muncul tulisan: Error contacting server [RPC:S-5:AEC-0]

Pakai cara sebelumnya ternyata nggak mempan. Padahal ini cara yang direcommend di forum2 Android LN.
Mau akses playstore pake browser nggak bisa karena akun google ku belum pernah dipake untuk akses google playstore.

Akhirnya nekat sajah kupencet:

Pilih Setting>backup & reset
Dan kureset lah itu tablet baru beli (factory data reset)

Daaan ... berhasil!!
Google Play Store bisa diakses dengan lancar tanpa error

Selamat mencoba ^_^.

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